
Judith, BnP II

Five years ago, after receiving a "double" dose of radioactive dye while being tested for gall bladder function, I became quite ill. I was depressed, my concentration was poor and my health in general took a nose dive.  When a friend recommended a new type of biofeedback test called the BodyScan, I was skeptical. Still, I agreed to have the test. The quick, non-intrusive scan tested for hundreds of substances within minutes. I walked out of the office with a homeopathic bottle and within two weeks my mental and physical health began to turn around.

I learned that the science of this testing is called Bionetics, which integrates the Chinese model of acupuncture with modern biofeedback. Bionetics measures energy flow and stress to the energy pathways of the body and taps into the total cellular communication throughout the body. I don’t know of any other non-intrusive modality that reveals such a unique window into the body as the BodyScan.

I have experienced the benefits of the BodyScan first hand and have observed its beneficial results on family, friends and clients. I am living proof that this incredible evaluation, coupled with its custom homeopathic remedies, is truly an effective healing system—for it actually saved my life!

Judith is a graduate of IABP.
