Popcorn Power Karyn Johnson, aged 15, living in Harlem, being poor & ugly, was a fine example of 'loser.' With a baby daughter, no husband, she had to go on welfare, although she hated the idea. She and her child had to eat. This young teen mother, not even old enough to drive, became a drug addict. She did unspeakable things to get drugs, often with her daughter present. It got so bad that they both ate out of garbage cans. Five long years of welfare. Finally put the kid into daycare, and got a job putting makeup on people in a local playhouse. Didn't take too long to lose the job. Got another job putting makeup on people in a funeral home. Ghastly work, but she was hungry, and determined to make it on her own. Lost that job, too. Karyn talked to her 5-yr old daughter, and said, "Honey, let's start a fresh life, changing everything." She began simply enough: taking a step EVERY day. They moved out of NY, and started again. Three years -- just
about one thousand days -- later, after taking just about 1000 more steps than you,
she repaid NY City's Welfare Dep't every penny she had accepted. Karyn Johnson had the same tool as you:
a decision to ask better questions, and take at least one step every day. Period. She tapped into the
amazing power of NOW. It's the reason why, after she became the highest-paid woman in Hollywood, you might have recognized the new name she adopted... Whoopi.
She simply asked better questions, and produced better answers. What about you?
font> What will you do
We have blank lines here exclusively for your use. Whoever you are, please humor me and fill them in. I know that 90% of you will fill in the blanks later, right?
So, you want to have more _________________________ Until you actually pick up a pencil & jot
some answers,
For those of you who wrote any detailed answers, or who do so in the next few seconds...... ...I can and will UNCONDITIONALLY guarantee that those who WRITE answers in the lines above by page's end will see marked, observable progress within days of today; you are proving that you are willing to take a step. Dozens of the greatest minds in history have observed that the smartest people are those who tap into the deep, unstoppable power found in the word "now;" not merely once, but many times many times over. The power of "NOW" starts kicking in as soon as you want: 3 days, 20 seconds, or 10 minutes. If you practiced something for 1000 minutes, would you be better at it than if you did not practice? Dumb question, right? If it's so dumb, what was the last thing important enough for you to practice at for 1000 minutes? If you can put down on paper just one thing you'd really really like, I will give you a magical secret that will bring you closer to your dream, in just days or minutes than you've ever been in your life all added up to this minute. No kidding. Here's the magical secret, and it is more powerful than you have ever understood up until this minute: First, write down one or two things that you really, REALLY want: ________________________________________
Now use the back of your
paper to write down 5 to 10 ideas, crazy or not, for turning it into reality. Just 5 to 10 ideas. WAKE UP! It took you a whole lot longer to learn how to speak English or to drive a car than it does to create a list of what you want to do in this next year, and how you can go about doing it!! Creating sentences, & deciding what words come out of your mouth? Show me a computer that can create and state a given desire. As you read these words, you are right now capable of performing many thousands of tasks, from steering a bicycle, to talking your way into or out of something. Every computer chip on this planet all added up together is but a fraction of the 100 billion-plus neurons you've got; each capable of a million functions. Your Reticular Activating System is nothing more than a fancy secretary. It filters roughly eight million bits of information per second, deciding what to send "Upstairs" to the conscious mind, and what to send "Downstairs" to the memory storage department. When you decide that you're hungry, the Reticular System searches your brain for all stored info: "Burger King? Chinese? Do I have $$? Do I have time? What do I feel like eating?" You suddenly remember a new pizza place a mile back. You saw it when you passed, the Reticular System decided it wasn't important enough to send "Upstairs," so it simply stored the information until you needed it again. It searches AND FINDS, the info we look for, and brings it "Upstairs" so we can make a conscious choice. With a phone to your ear, taking a drink, slipping off of your shoes: you're making thousands of tiny, yet super-sophisticated decisions. Find a cat, or a giraffe that can hop into the car & go buy some milk!I promise you, no matter who you are, from U.S. President of to that guy in the group home: Ask a question with repetition, and belief that you'll produce the right answer, and you will always, and without fail produce many answers to that question. You are now in control of a huge power to tap into right now. True power. Power is the "ability to act ." You have the equipment for first-class thinking. What you know is generally distant from what you DO with what you know.At all times, you are using billions of separate computers within your brain that know how to work together. Since you use such incomprehensibly sophisticated methods for understanding what a "$" sign means, automatically and with little "conscious" thought, don't you see the logic in tapping into those same powers, ON PURPOSE, for accomplishing things you haven't done yet but would like to? Reality is proof that The chances of it happening accidentally are not as good as when there is specific and direct effort toward achieving it. That's agreeable, isn't it? Tapping into the power of NOW is your first step. Even if it's just writing down precisely what you want and why you want it, it only takes minutes for things to happen. You think I'm kidding? Prove me wrong. Prove me right. With deeds, not words. Just stop talking and DO IT! Ooookay?
Just 5 - 10 ideas per day until you have 100 ideas. This is one of the ten most powerful shortcuts ever developed in human history. It's better than a pile of cash, because aiming this shortcut at money-making will produce many piles of cash. For example, let's say you want a date with the gorgeous creature next door. 1. Write a love letter to the object of your dreams. 3. Sprinkle Hershey's kisses from your front door to the front door of... well, you get the idea. It doesn't matter if the ideas are reasonable or not, easily available or not. The primary purpose of doing this is to exercise your problem-solving muscles. Just as squeezing a tennis ball one more time every day or so will add up to highly-developed squeezing ability, so too will this writing exercise, known as a popcorn session, produce measurably better ideas and solutions for you, quickly and effectively. By the time you produce 100 ideas, the odds are that no less than seventy will be ultimately inappropriate, ten of the 100 distantly workable, another ten or fifteen possible, and just two or three that will be pure, complete genius, and I do mean genius. Whether you have a second-grade education or a couple of master's degrees, it is an unchanging fact of human life that taking the few minutes per day necessary to come up with 100 ideas within five days will always produce at least a few wonderful, life-changing solutions. Always. Do it. Apply just this one power shortcut for 14.4 minutes pr day. Within 22 days you will have ample evidence that your income is increasing or about to. Within 100 days, you should see AT LEAST a doubling of your income. It is hoped that you perceive the value of an unconditional guarantee that these shortcuts are universally applicable, from developing new skills for learning guitar, getting top grades with MUCH less effort, a new language, making more money, running five miles... or learning to tie your shoelaces, by far the most difficult thing you've ever done. Use your resources more through shortcuts like these, and then opine. What you know in your mind means far less to any of us than what you DO with what you know, hm? We suggest you print this document for your own use, and those you may pass it on to. We at EASY STREET, USA wish you a finger-snappin, toe-tappin, STAR-SPANGLED day!! Back to the Top of Page Masters and Millionaires Masters & Millionaires 2 HotClick GW Bush Shame |
This is the largest personal website on earth from one pair of hands -- 127,000 web pages � EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut -- because you're worth it All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit. It feels Great! ![]() ![]() In memory of the astonishing Bernard Francis Kellogg, the GREAT Oprah.... and you. Remember 911day. |