The Psychology of Shortcuts For Asking and SellingACT like someone who wants to hear the word "Yes!" What you KNOW creates limited impact, and therefore limited results...
Ruby #5: What you KNOW about persuading people is of no interest to us. What you DO with what you know is of fascination to us. Before thinking about learning more, how about using more of what you know? "Yes!" Attitude supercedes Aptitude in determining Altitude
Whether you're selling a product, or convincing a loved one to make a decision, or asking someone for help, you are engaging in sales tactics. Doesn't it make sense to use those words and methods used every single day of the year by our greatest closers and convincers, purveyors and marketing geniuses?
It all begins with a concept and method apparently too simple for you,
You will not be even slightly surprised when you find more and more people providing you with that word in response to your asking for it. Prudential Insurance, in conjunction with one of America's most respected universities, conducted a seventy-year study of sales masters. One of the most vital points produced by this study was the finding that, in the course of hundreds of thousands of sales calls, approximately 48% of those sales calls ended without the sale, the actual "Yes" being asked for. By acting as if you want to hear the word "Yes" you speak and move with higher energy; you come up with more reasons for them to say "Yes," and you actually ASK for the "Yes" more times. Ruby # 4: If you try something 10 times, no matter what the probability of success is, Whatever number of efforts you gave yesterday, WINNING REQUIRES that you Just relax... relax and use the warmth of your voice.
Nothing, nothing, nothing sells like enthusiasm.
KEEP ASKING FOR THE SALE OR APPOINTMENT!! Keep offering them "a look at why we are_______," and why we can help them save them dollars they're now spending, or through whatever your primary benefits are. < The single greatest power on earth, unconditionally guaranteed to work more than any other technique ever discovered or developed, is the awe-inspiring, life-changing, RESULT-IMPROVING technique of simply asking for what you want. Although there are nearly 200 American billionaires, I've only interviewed 14 so far. The single most common traits observable is the so-called "double bubble," which means being able to describe what they want in ten words or less, and then asking people for help in getting it. Self-made billionaires, without exception, are those people who ask for what they want more than anyone else around them. So ask, ask, ask, ask, and then ask again and again… until they either throw you out…
Get with the program. NEVER tell a customer they're wrong. Agree with them. Keep asking closing questions, such as: "Which day is better for YOU, Thursday, or Saturday?" The more you ask, the more you receive. Period. A.B.C. I'm not printing these for my health, you know. 80% of all "yesses" occur AFTER 4 or 5 resolved objections. The more you ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale. The more you ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale.
Please; don’t tell me. Show me. Better yet, show yourself. The more you ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale. It’s simple mathematics: Dial More The people who consistently follow these 3 rules consistently make double the income of Whoever asks the most, receives the most. Period. Whoever asks the most, receives the most. Whoever asks the most, receives the most.
Be more creative in answering people's objections!! Masters & Millionaires HotClick GW Bush Shame   © MrShortcut All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people. ![]() Those who profit from this information are obligated to give my share to feed those who can't feed themselves. In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and his most ardent student, known to many as MrShortcut Largest because over 127,000 of the web pages at the one thousand-plus Masters and Millionaires web sites were created uniquely, individually, by MrShortcut. It is hoped you'll share the excitement and pure pleasure of achieving at accelerated rates. By the time 20 and 30 weeks have gone by, you will most likely have experienced and begun to achieve far, far more than in all the years of your life all added up together -- at the rate of less than half an hour per day. A million dollars in 200 days? Absolutely; several students have done it already. Learn every note and major chord of the piano in sixty seconds? Absolutely. In fact, at Piano, you print one web page, take it to any keyboard, and you will learn every note, all 8 of the primary sharp chords, all 8 of the primary major chords, and yes, all eight of the primary minor chords and all 8 of the flat chords --- in less than three minutes. Ok, maybe five minutes if you're a slow reader. There ARE shortcuts, fantastic, high-powered shortcuts that produce results faster. The hundred thousand pages that comprise the Psychology of Shortcuts (ok, 127,000 pages as of this past Sunday morning) are focused on you personally getting considerably more out of each sixty minutes than others get from a hundred and sixty. As long as you're bright enough to close your mouth and open your mind, you're going to find some phenomenal and fantastically accelerated results when you personally make use of the Psychology of Shortcuts. A perfect example is tapping into two fully-accepted universal rules simultaneously, because the result is always greater than the sum of the two, wherein one plus one equals four. Here's a great example you can tap into in the next 24 hours. |